Latina of Influence

My childhood was hard.

It was a miracle if I had lunch money growing up.

I was born in East Los Angeles and raised in downtown L.A. in a 60-unit apartment building filled with cockroaches, rats, and gang members.

My family was broken. Drugs, crime, and jail time was normal for us.

I became a workers' compensation legal secretary, eventually earning $15 dollars per hour. In my family, no one had ever made as much as $15 per hour. To me and my family, I had made it. The American dream was accomplished.

But I knew I was destined for more, I wanted to help people in a bigger way.

I am now entering my 10th year at the head of Ortega Counseling Center, and our non-profit organization, Angels for Injured Workers is still going strong as well. When I became an injured worker myself, I had a lot of strikes against me. I hadn't completed my education, I was a single mother raising three small children, and I had no idea where to turn. This is what fuels my commitment to helping injured...

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2020...full of surprises that no one asked for!

As we close out this year, I want to acknowledge the struggles we have all been through. Along with the things that have hit me personally, I have witnessed the battles and distress of our clients and friends. I see the losses. I feel the trepidation of moving into 2021. I understand.

But even though 2020 has been one for the books (to put it mildly), I can’t help but see some incredible growth and love that has come out of it. I am not someone who goes for “toxic positivity,” but I still see some remarkable magic that has happened in the last twelve months.

Closer relationships from further away. We checked in with our people and rekindled relationships over the phone or via FaceTime and Zoom. I know people who haven’t spoken in 25 years, but who are now communicating weekly and are even working together on artistic projects.

Communities coming together. People have been running errands and buying groceries for their neighbors who are at risk and not able to...

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Two letters from jail...on the same day!

lies miracles secrets truth May 04, 2020

I was riding high, life was going great, except for the dirty little secret I was afraid to share with the world that was eating me up inside. What I discovered was that the more truth I embraced the more miracles showed up in my life.  Watch this two-minute video as I share my dirty little secret and how I stopped telling the lies.

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Whatโ€™s Your Sob Story?

culture family miracles video Apr 13, 2020

I’ll share you dare to share yours?

My uncle snapped me out of a really good sob story by asking me “What's your next problem?” and handing me a quarter.  

I wanted to share this very candid, raw, and vulnerable video to show how quickly we can rewrite our stories and break out of our generational molds. We can celebrate our culture and our parents without repeating their limiting beliefs. I encourage you to break out of your story and set yourself on the path to miracles, today!

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